
Advanced Chart Options

The Chart Options let you customize and fine-tune your charts and graphs. They may differ depending on the chart type you have selected for your visualization and may offer different options. You can access the Chart Options in the Chart Creator with a click on the gear wheel in the right upper corner of the chart preview.


General Chart Options


The general Chart Options will allow you to edit the chart area and chart axes. You can access them with a click on the gear wheel icon in the right upper corner of the chart preview. Please click here to learn more about the general chart options.


Table Options


datapine offers a variety of options to customize and design your tables for a clearer structure and overview of your results. You can customize the table appearance, such as background color, text format and row setting as well as apply conditional rules to quickly identify variances in a range of values.


table options analyzer datapine


Table Style Options


The Table Style Options allow you to change the global background of the table, customize the borders and row colors or apply different font and text formats.


Access table style options


  1. Open the Chart Creator and create a table by dragging fields from your data source structure into the Y- and X-Axis or pasting your SQL query into the SQL Box.
  2. Click on Table Options in the upper, right corner of your chart preview.
  3. Select Table Style from the dropdown menu. The table style options will now appear on the right side of the Chart Creator.

datapine's adavanced table style options


You will have the following Table Style Options to customize the table colors and text formats:


– General Options: Define the cell background, the color for all even rows of your table and its borders.


– Text Format: Choose a custom font style and family as well as the alignment of the displayed text in the table rows.


– Row/Column Settings: Edit you columns by defining the exact amount of pixels for the row height from the drop down menu or allow text wrapping.


– Number Format: Set the number of decimal places, separator symbols for your decimals or add any additional symbols such as currencies to be displayed with your numbers.


Headers and Totals


This option lets you decide whether you want to show or hide your headers and display total rows at the bottom of the table offering different aggregation types.


header and total options in tables


Access the Headers and Totals settings via Table Options.


a) Column Headers: In this section, you can choose to display column headers and define the headers background color, font and alignment.


b) Total Row: In this section, you can choose to display totals at the bottom of the table choosing from various aggregation types and define their appearance.


Conditional Formatting


conditional formatting in datapine


Conditional column formatting


Follow the Instructions below to learn how to define formatting conditions for the columns of your table.


  1. Start with the column that should meet a specific condition.
  2. Then, select the condition, such as greater than (>) or equal to (=) etc.
  3. Add the value or switch to R to compare your defined column to another column.
  4. Choose the column that you would like to apply the formatting on, if the condition you have defined above is true.
  5. Select a format. You can choose to insert an icon, replace the displayed cell content with a text or choose a background or font color.

You can add as many conditions to your table as you wish. Simply click on Add new condition in the upper right corner of the menu. 




Advanced column options


Access advanced column options


  1. Open the Chart Creator and build a table by dragging fields from your data source structure into the measures and dimensions.
  2. In the chart preview, click on the column you wish to edit. All options for this particular column will now be displayed on the right hand side of the Chart Creator.
  3. There, you can set a custom Header name for your column, change the column background, set a defined background color for all even rows in this column, as well as, choose a style for the borders.Additionally, you may change the text and number format for this particular column.

advanced column options for tables in datapine


Define table column width


If you would like to define a specific Column Width, you can simply select a unit such as Percentage or Pixels from the drop down list and enter your preferred width into the textbox to its left.


define column with for table in datapine


Add a total row to your table


At the bottom of the advanced column setting you may define a custom result row for this specific column. Simply select the preferred aggregation type for the result row, e.g. sum or average etc.


Custom table columns


You can insert custom columns using the columns of your table and enhance them with formulas.


add custom column to table in datapine


  1. To add a custom column to your table, right click on the column header where you wish to add the custom column to the right and from the column options popup select Add Column.
  2. In the new Add New Column pop up you can now drag and drop any of the available fields into the formula field and use common mathematical expressions to calculate or aggregate your custom column. 

Hide a table column / Unhide a table column


You can easily hide or unhide columns in your tables with just two clicks. Right click on to the header of the column you wish to hide and then select Hide Column. To unhide all hidden columns click on the Table Options icon in the right upper corner of the chart preview and then select Show all columns.


Define a default table sortation


You may add a default sortation to your table. Right click on the header of the column for which you wish to add the default sortation. In the chart options popup mouse over Sort and then define either an ascending (sorting from smallest to largest) or descending (sorting from largest to smallest) order.