
Multi-Tenant Features

This section shows how to implement SSO in multi-tenancy environments by assigning a database to a user.


Please take into account that:

– The account must have one single database connected that has the same structure as the other client databases
– One user can only be assigned to one database in the token


"multiTenantConfig": {
  "dataSources": [
     "ssoId": "uniqueIdentifier",   //mandatory, max 32 char
     "name": "sales_db_1",          // internal datapine name
     "host": "",
     "database": "sales",
     "user": "customer1",
     "password": "234234234",
     "urlConfig": "",              //optional jdbc config
     "port": 3306,
     "type": "mysql",
     "sid": "",                    //only for oracle dbs
     "isSsh": true,       //if true next fields are mandatory
     "sshWithKey": true,  //if true ssPassword can be empty
     "sshHost": "x.x.x.x",
     "remoteSshPort": 22,
     "sshUser": "sshCustomer1",
     "sshPassword": ""


typeis the set of possible database types that can be connected. These are the accepted values: MySQL, MySQL8, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Redshift, MariaDB.
If you use this feature, we strongly recommend encrypting your token.