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SQL JOINS: A Beginner Guide to Data Analysis using SQL

visual presentation of SQL JOIN typesNowadays companies often produce a tremendous amount of data and mashing up this data to get a clear picture of the business is a fundamental part of the whole data analysis process. To be able to compare and combine data from different tables or data sources like databases, CSV Files, CRM systems or Web Analytics we need to JOIN these tables. SQL Joins are an instruction to a database to combine data from more than one table. As different SQL JOIN types are an integral part to perform useful and meaningful SQL data analysis we want take a closer look at the commonly used types and provide some practical tips for you.

Why use SQL JOIN?

You’re in a business that accumulates data, and to get a clear view, you need to understand what this data means. There are often duplicate entries in your data, and SQL JOIN clauses will help you find the relevant data you need. Using SQL JOIN clauses is perfect for combining rows from two or more tables and the common fields behind them.

How do SQL joins work?

two tables where an SQL join is not possible It’s easy, you just need tables with common fields. In short, SQL JOIN is to join entries from different tables, to see if they match or mismatch. In the example below, you’ll find it’s not possible to join or link these tables because they have no field in common.

What are the common SQL JOIN types?


visual representation of an inner SQL join INNER JOIN, in the most commonly used SQL JOIN clause, it matches the set of records that appear in both tables. Using the example data on beer below, we’ve made it so that table 1 has the rows on Beers and Type. Whereas table 2 has matching entries on Beers and has entries on Alcohol Content but not on Type. Since the entries on Beers match, we can display a correlation on both Beers, Type and Alcohol Content. two tables with beer brands and the columns type and alcohol content We can join these two tables by their common field: Beer Brands, here labelled in the row Beers. The result is one table that has all the information and fields from the previous two tables. The general idea behind INNER JOIN is to display just the rows that appear on both tables. resulting table after performing an inner SQL JOIN SQL Query Example: SELECT Table1.Beers, Type, Alcohol Content FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Beers = Table2.Beers Beware of: If the table1 would have another row (different beer brand not existing in the table 2), then this record would not appear after the join.


 visual representation of an left SQL JOIN A LEFT JOIN will display every record from table 1 and the matching records from table 2. For every record that doesn’t match, it will be displayed as NULL. Fields from table 2 that aren’t matching table 1 simply won’t be displayed. two tables with beer brands and the columns type and alcohol content In our example, table 1 contains one record that does not match with table 2. Since the entry Hoegaarden appears in rows Beers and Type in the LEFT JOIN, and because there is no entry for Alcohol Content for Hoegaarden, it displays as NULL. You’ll notice this result in the green table below. Incidentally, records in table 2 that do not match in table 1 will not appear in the table at all. resulting table after performing an LEFT SQL JOIN SQL Query example: SELECT Table1.Beers, Type, Alcohol Content FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Beers = Table2.Beers Beware of: Be mindful that the table that is considered as the “left table” depends on the syntax of your query. The first table mentioned in the query is automatically considered as the left table, while the second table in the query is by default labelled as the right table.


visual represantation of an right SQL JOIN A RIGHT JOIN is similar to the Left Join only the roles are reversed. Basically you return all rows from the right table and the matched rows from the left table. two tables with beer brands and the columns type and alcohol content The result would be the green table below. resulting table after perfoming an right SQL JOIN SQL Query example: SELECT Table1.Beers, Type, Alcohol Content FROM Table1 RIGHT JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Beers = Table2.Beers Beware of: In this specific case, since in the row Type of the Kilkenny entry isn’t available in table 1, it displays it as NULL. However, as we want to display all information available from the right table, Alcohol Content is displayed for Kilkenny.


visual representation of full outer SQL JOIN An OUTER JOIN, also known as a FULL JOIN, as set to return all rows when there is a match in one of the tables. This SQL JOIN type is used to join both the left and right tables simultaneously. Basically it is a LEFT and RIGHT JOIN at the same time. two tables with beer brands and the columns type and alcohol content Again, the result is shown in the green table below. resulting table after perfoming full outer SQL JOIN SQL Query example: SELECT Table1.Beers, Type, Alcohol Content FROM Table1 FULL OUTER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Beers = Table2.Beers Beware of: Although both Hoegaarden and Kilkenny have missing entries in two rows, from two different tables, the Full Outer Join query allows you to see any and all other entries that do match.


These are the most common SQL JOIN types you’ll likely encounter and need. Before making a query, think about your data, the different scenarios and results you’d like to have and which SQL JOIN clause you should use. As short summary the chart below visualizes the different joins.visual representation of common used types of SQL JOINS Now that we’ve overviewed SQL JOIN principles, a good question to ask is what kind of tool do you need for these types of queries?

What should you expect from a data analysis tool for SQL?

A reliable SQL data analysis tool will let you gather data sources so that it can be understood and shared visually. To ensure that everyone who is analyzing data on your team can make the best of SQL, having access to an easy-to-use SQL Query Builder like datapine is essential. With tools like ours you can handle your data analysis with an intuitive drag and drop interface. This way, you will not need to be technically proficient in SQL to visualize your data. This also reduces the adoption period to launch across your organization. It should be noted that legacy data analysis tools might require you to have an extensive plan to launch and train your team members. This is a pain we would recommend you avoid. On the other hand, it’s also helpful to have features in your tool that allow the more advanced users to input their own SQL code. In datapine we guarantee this by providing our advanced SQL Query Box. This way, no users will feel limited in how they display your data. Lastly, things have changed dramatically with the advent of SaaS software. What once took months or years to implement can now be accomplished within a few days. In most cases, having a SaaS tool allows you to skip the installation process, this way you can carry out your data analysis right from your browser. If you want to see for yourself how datapine can help your to improve your SQL data analysis process, feel free to start your free trial here.